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City Council

Current Mayor and City Councilmembers

Mayor - Preston Little - mayor@wallistexas.org,  979-758-1217
Mayor Pro-Tem - Clark Main Jr. 


Councilmember Jimmy Lavergne - jimmylavergne@wallistexas.org

Councilmember Deborah Boren - debbieboren@wallistexas.org

Councilmember Clark Main Jr. - cmain@wallistexas.org 

Councilmember David Marek -davidmarek@wallistexas.org 

Councilmember Belinda Halfin-belindahalfin@wallistexas.org



Curently, regular meetings of the City Council are held:

Date: Third (3rd) Wednesday of each month

Time: 6:00 PM 

Place: City Hall Council Chambers

               6810 Guyler Bldg B, Wallis, TX 7745

If you are requesting to be placed on the agenda for a monthly City Council Meeting, please click on the link below and fill out the agenda request form.  Email completed form to cityclerk@wallistexas.org or bring to City Hall.  All forms will be submitted to the Mayor for approval.  You will be notified of date and time of meeting when approved. 

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